Monday, March 24, 2008

Simple Pleasures

I've written before about simple pleasures and the important role they play in everyday life. If you're in the right mindset and have good perspective you'll notice little things that make you smile and make life that much better. Here are a few simple pleasures that currently make my life more enjoyable, feel free to add your own:

- Kissing my wife, there's just something so good and right about a nice gentle smooch.

- Cold drinks

- Basketball games that come down to the last shot

- The hum of a fan

- Naps

- Playing Golden Tee with friends

- Arm hair rubs

- Dancing like an idiot

- Sitting/lying close to my wife

- My son's laughter

- A clean house

- Making my wife feel my flexed arm after a workout (I'm on the road back to my college days of strength)

- Sitting on the couch after the boy has gone to bed

- Doing and saying stupid things with friends

- Reading in quiet

- Singing a good worship song

- Listening to my son grunt out a poop, it's quite funny

- Anticipating the start of another skydiving season

- Thinking of my son after he's totally "fixed"

- Wondering about Heaven (I'm reading "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn, tis fascinating)

- Did I mention making out with my wife!

- Walking slowly, why rush all the time

- Thinking of the Yod moving back to MN

- Holding my wife's hand, so simple yet so fun


The Portas said...

You're too sweet, my husband. I love you.

Anonymous said...

What about: hot tubs, watching multiple movies for the price of one, road trips, watching sports with a cold beer, really good meat that you either bought or carved from animal that you just killed.

il Dan said...

Anonymous, those are all great simple pleasures!
I'd add howling, riding the stock market bull, beating police trainer.