This world is full of morons and over dramatic freaks who flip out if their coffee is too hot, the red light doesn't turn green fast enough, if so and so called them a name, blah blah blah. A lot of the time the problem is that people are just plain stupid, too high strung, and don't have correct perspective. These people need some serious help and I will dedicate a future, more in-depth post on how they can stop being so ridiculous. However, there are some relatively normal people, capable of logical thought who also flip out. It is you people I direct this brief morsel of wisdom: Take a Nap. If you just take a few minutes to totally relax you'll be amazed at how your daily attitude and outlook will be improved. If you can't take a nap, take a slow walk to lunch or a slow walk to the bathroom. Just set aside a few moments of your day to forget the rush of the world around you and veg out. Yes, this is rather simple, obvious advice and yes it is somehow packed with wisdom and insight.
Learn from a perfect babe and the wise one who sired him:
After having lived with theDan for 7 years I can definitely confirm that this is your offspring.
Looks like you at work...minus the perfect babe! :)
Readers should note that in the history of the world there has never been anyone that requires as much rest as theDan.
Tis true, I do enjoy and need my rest. My mind is so far advanced and in such depth of thought most of the time that my body burns thousands of calories. I need the extra sleep/lounging for even my physique can barely handle the immensity of my thoughts.
Yes, your thoughts are immense, but the reason your body burns thousands of calories is because it is constantly trying to process the depth of how smokin' hot your behind is. I apologize for writing such a bold statement on your blog, but the world must know the truth.
p.s. I know someone who requires more rest than theDan. Her name rhymes with Beggin' Shorta.
So wise...
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